Touchbit is a mobile-friendly interface for composing and performing live bytebeat music using postfix expressions, built on the html5bytebeat library by Greggman. This library provides a `ByteBeatNode` which is a WebAudio AudioNode.
Open this URL in your phone or scan the QR code to start composing music with your fingers.
Bytebeat is a form of algorithmic music that uses bitwise operations to generate sound, with only one variable t
representing time. The expression is evaluated for each sample of the audio output with an implicit mod 256
at the end.
Touchbit uses postfix notation, also known as Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), to write expressions. This means the operator follows the operands. For example, the infix expression t * 3
is written as t 3 *
in postfix notation. This notation doesn't need parenthesis to define the order of operations because it operates on a stack to dictate precedence.
Streaming mode
Use this screen as a display and control it from another device by enabling streaming mode.
Touchbit does not collect any data. All settings are stored in the browser's local storage and expressions are stored in the URL hash. Additionally, communication between the device and the streaming screen is peer-to-peer using WebRTC.